Sunday, January 21, 2018

Walmart, A dish of empty calories for the hungry shopper

There is something extremely unfulfilling for me in shopping at Wal-Mart.  I will go out of my to avoid it at all costs!

Of course, since the the small town, big box store is great at monopolizing the market on goods, and running lesser retailers out of business, it is sometimes the only option in town...

I am not one to idly bash business, and even very large, profitable ones. However, Walmart is probably THE most evil corporation that I know of.  Right up there with Enron, and Sallie Mae, and the like.

The difference is, Walmart performs its particular brand of evil in very subtle ways.  By giving us low prices, instead of major accounting upheavals....

At first, we think we are getting a good deal, but when we get home, we discover that the lower cost product we thought we smartly saved money on, is in fact a moderately cheaper made product, at a minor cost savings.

I have discovered time and time again, that the special  products sold at Wally World are slightly different from the marginally higher cost items sold in other places.  I used to leave the store feeling good in smartly saving money, only to feel ripped off later.

Walmart is running grocery stores out of business as well as other retailers like, hardware stores, clothing stores, electronics stores.  etc.

Again, the consumer thinks they are getting a good deal, but we only need to wait until the "competition" falls, and then we find that not only to prices go up, but selection goes way down.

How about an entire shelf of just one brand of kerosene heater?

"Take it or leave it bastards!  You don't like it go some where else!" Oh but wait, now we can't!

There are certain towns across American that are smarter than most, and wisely have chosen to keep walmart out of them!

What happens when walmart decides to close a certain store?  Well, now you have a huge empty parking lot, with this huge building just sitting there.  It will be sitting there forever, making your town look like a slum, because Walmart owns the property...

Not to mention, that Walmart is one of the worst environmental polluters there are.  How you ask?

Because there are 6333 Walmarts in America alone. 

Walmart likes to set lawn and garden items like bags of fertilizer out in the rain in the parking lot.  Bags of this almost always has small tears in it, so the rain comes, and washes the fertilizer right off the parking lot, into the drain, which eventually connects in an indirect way to a stream, which connects most of the time to rivers, wich connect to other major bodies of water.  Even if it seeps into the ground, it pollluts your water table.

You know, I have rarely met a walmart employee who wasn't miserable.  It makes me miserable just to go in there.

Sorry, but I really hate walmart!

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